UI pattern documentation on forms for Honeywell's Forge UI design system

UI pattern documentation on forms for Honeywell's Forge UI design system

Mockup of a simple form on a desktop screen
Mockup of a simple form on a desktop screen
Mockup of a simple form on a desktop screen



The Forge UI Design System team was seeing inconsistent visual designs and interactions when a form was displayed on a Honeywell Forge product.

Because forms are a heavily used way of inputting data in Honeywell Forge products, whether it be creating an Incident Report or Work Order, the pattern needs to be consistent. Our users shouldn't have to adjust their expectations when filling out a form in different sections of the same product or different Honeywell products.

Best practices for the UI pattern of a form was researched, and documentation for the Forge UI Design System was created to implement consistency in forms.


  • Research industry best practices on form design

  • Understand how users prefer to complete forms in Asset Management software

  • Create Form Design documentation for design system adopters to use


UX UI Designer Lead


  • Figma

  • User Testing

  • Miro


  • Figma

  • User Testing

  • Miro


Winter 2022


Research questions

  1. What form type do users prefer when completing or editing a form?

  2. How do users expect a form to appear on their screen?


  • Type: 3 rounds of moderated usability tests

  • Task: Ask users to complete multiple forms (on desktop or mobile devices)

  • Goal: Identify user expectations and how users prefer to fill out forms


  • Honeywell engineers: Internally recruited through email

  • Warehouse/ Distribution center employee: Externally recruited through User Testing

Round 1 Testing

  • Task: Create an Integration template on a desktop screen

  • User: Honeywell engineer (3 participants)

  • Goal: Determine if users prefer a long form or a multi-step form

Long form to create an integration template in a Honeywell product
Long form to create an integration template in a Honeywell product
Long form to create an integration template in a Honeywell product
Multi-step form to create an integration template in a Honeywell product
Multi-step form to create an integration template in a Honeywell product
Multi-step form to create an integration template in a Honeywell product
  • Results: All participants preferred the long form experience because they could fill out the form quicker, and don't have to wait for new pages to load.

Round 2 Testing

  • Task: Create an incident report on a desktop screen

  • User: External warehouse employee (5 participants)

  • Goal: Determine if users prefer a side panel or modal presentation

Report an incident form in a side panel
Report an incident form in a side panel
Report an incident form in a side panel
Report an incident form in a modal
Report an incident form in a modal
Report an incident form in a modal
  • Results: 4 of 5 participants preferred the long form experience. If reporting an incident, they need the ability to fill it out as efficiently as possible.

Round 3 Testing

  • Task: Create an incident report on a mobile screen

  • User: External warehouse employee (6 participants)

  • Goal: Determine if users prefer a long form or multi-step form

Report an incident form in a long form on mobile
Report an incident form in a long form on mobile
Report an incident form in a long form on mobile
Report an incident form in a multi step form on mobile
Report an incident form in a multi step form on mobile
Report an incident form in a multi step form on mobile
  • Results: 5 of 6 participants preferred the multi-step form experience. Participants mentioned feeling disoriented filling out a long form on a mobile device.

  • Note: 2 participants mentioned that unreliable WiFi or service will disrupt the multi-step form experience due to low loading speeds.


When to use a form

It is best to use a form when a user:

  • Creates or signs in their account

  • Reconfigures their settings

  • Reports an incident or creates a task

  • Takes a survey or provides feedback


Example form with annotations of the parts of a form
Example form with annotations of the parts of a form
Example form with annotations of the parts of a form
  1. Form title

  2. Form instructions

  3. Section divider

  4. Section title (if 2+ sections)

  5. Freeform input

  6. Help

  7. Selection control input

  8. Bounded-entry input

  9. Buttons (CTA)


The layout of a form must be consistent within a product experience.

Form titled 'Personal information' on a mobile screen
Form titled 'Personal information' on a mobile screen
Form titled 'Personal information' on a mobile screen


  • On desktop, place the form on a card or tile to give it visual distinction

  • On mobile, place the form on the application background


  • Use a single-column layout, unless the input fields are a group

  • I.E., City, State, Zip code


  • Use spacing that is a multiple of 4px to fit the form in a soft grid

  • Use spacing to create visual hierarchy between inputs fields and sections

Headers & labels

Provide descriptive headers and labels for the form so users know what the form is about and the data needed for user fields.


Use headings for the form title and subtitles for the form's sections (if applicable).

Form titles should:

  • Be largest type size used (Heading 1)

  • Use short & concise language

  • Be positioned at the top-left

Form subtitles should:

  • Be the second-largest type sized used (Heading 2)

  • Be placed at the top-left of its section

A form on a desktop screen with a title and two subtitles for each section
A form on a desktop screen with a title and two subtitles for each section
A form on a desktop screen with a title and two subtitles for each section


Use labels for data fields, such as text input fields or date-pickers

Form field labels should:

  • Always be present​ (with a Required (*) or Optional label)

  • Be concise with 1 to 3 words

  • Be top-aligned to the input

  • Use sentence-case capitalization

Form titled 'Personal information' with three input fields with labels 'Full name', 'Email', and 'Phone number'
Form titled 'Personal information' with three input fields with labels 'Full name', 'Email', and 'Phone number'
Form titled 'Personal information' with three input fields with labels 'Full name', 'Email', and 'Phone number'


Use primary, secondary, and quiet buttons appropriately (Main action uses primary).

Buttons should:

  • Use action-specific language

  • Use concise words (Submit)

Align buttons:

  • Right-align the primary button

  • Left-align the secondary button

The primary button says 'Submit' and is placed on the right of the form
The primary button says 'Submit' and is placed on the right of the form
The primary button says 'Submit' and is placed on the right of the form



A form can be presented on a screen on a dedicated page, modal, or a side panel.

Form with placeholder data on a dedicated page
Form with placeholder data on a dedicated page
Form with placeholder data on a dedicated page

Dedicated page

Dedicated pages take the user to a new page to complete the task.

  • Use when the form is complex on desktop screens

  • Always use on mobile screens


Modals appear in the center of the screen and cover the main experience of the application.

  • Use for simple forms on desktop screens

  • Do not use on mobile screens

Form with placeholder data on a modal
Form with placeholder data on a modal
Form with placeholder data on a modal
Form with placeholder data on a side panel
Form with placeholder data on a side panel
Form with placeholder data on a side panel

Side panel

Side panels appear on the right-side of the screen and cover the main experience.

  • Use for simple forms on desktop screens

  • Do not use on mobile screens


A form can be simple, complex-long, or complex-multi step.


  • Users can see all input fields without scrolling​

  • Presented on a modal, side panel, or dedicated page

  • Includes one to a few input fields

Simple form on a login page
Simple form on a login page
Simple form on a login page
Complex, long forn on a dedicated page
Complex, long forn on a dedicated page
Complex, long forn on a dedicated page


  • Users must scroll to see all input fields

  • Presented on a dedicated page

  • Includes many user inputs categorized and ordered in a logical way

  • Includes a "Back to top" button

Complex-multi step

  • Presented on a dedicated page​

  • Includes many user inputs categorized and ordered in a logical way

  • Includes a progress indicator

  • Includes a summary page at end

Complex, multi step form on a dedicated page
Complex, multi step form on a dedicated page
Complex, multi step form on a dedicated page

Form type on desktop

Simple form on a modal for a desktop screen
Simple form on a modal for a desktop screen
Simple form on a modal for a desktop screen

Simple forms

  • Present the form on a modal or a side panel to allow for quick completion

  • The login screen is typically on a dedicated page and is an exception

Complex forms

  • Present the form on a dedicated page, and group inputs into relevant and clear sections

  • Use multi-step forms when accuracy is needed or when the form is excessively long

Complex form that is long on a dedicated page on desktop screen
Complex form that is long on a dedicated page on desktop screen
Complex form that is long on a dedicated page on desktop screen

Form type on mobile

Simple form on a bottom sheet for a mobile screen
Simple form on a bottom sheet for a mobile screen
Simple form on a bottom sheet for a mobile screen

Simple forms

  • Present the form on a bottom sheet or a dedicated page

  • Do not use a popup or side panel on a mobile screen

Complex forms

  • Present a multi-step form on a dedicated page

  • Use a horizontal progress bar to place at the top of the form

  • Note: if the user doesn't have reliable WiFi , the multi-step form will have longer load speeds

Complex form on a multi step process for a mobile screen
Complex form on a multi step process for a mobile screen
Complex form on a multi step process for a mobile screen


Always respect the user

  • Only ask for necessary information

  • Separate the form's user inputs into related sections

  • Give the user a single path to form completion & a predictable order of inputs

  • Provide clear directions for inputs the user may not understand

Check out my Medium article on this project